List of Video Games with Poor Reviews

Jan 23, 2023 Gambling & Video Games

List of Video Games with Poor Reviews

This is a list of video games that have received a long-term negative reception, often because they were perceived by reviewers as having the lowest or outdated graphics, glitches, poor gameplay controls, or irreversible game design flaws. These sports are recognized by seemingly low user ratings, including low aggregate scores on locations like Metacritic, common portrayals on “lamest games in history” lists from various publications, or otherwise carrying a long-standing reputation for poor quality in video game journalist analysis.




The Revenge of Custer 1982

Custer’s Revenge is an unregistered Atari 2600 game released in 1982 by Mystique that is partially based on the Battle of the Little Bighorn and nineteenth century American General George Armstrong Custer. Aside from being widely regarded as aggressive due to it’s own conspiracy involving the evident assault of a Native American woman, the match was also panned for its poor value. GameSpy ranked it as the most shameful game of all time, PC World and GameTrailers ranked it third, and Seanbaby ranked it ninth in Electronic Gaming Monthly.


Pac-Man for The Atari 2600 was Released in 1982

Pac-Man, a port of Namco’s gameplay Pac-Man for said Atari 2600, was modified to accommodate the 2600’s limitations. Several of these adjustments included streamlined graphics, an altered puzzle design, and “flickering” ghosts—a result of the play deeming one shadow per frame on display because of the limitations of the Atari 2600 hardware. It received negative reviews upon release, with many criticizing the poor conversion from the arcade title.

